Sacramento, Calif. — Hailing Craig Deluz’s foundational support for gun owners’ rights, the esteemed Second Amendment rights organization Gun Owners of America (GOA) gave him a rare A+ for his tireless work championing the cause.
Out of hundreds of Congressional candidates nationwide, DeLuz is one of only five to receive GOA’s highest score of A+, and the only candidate outside of Texas to do so.
“Craig DeLuz has earned an A+, not only because he completely supports the Second Amendment but also because he has been a strong advocate in defending our rights in the California Legislature,” says GOA Executive Director Sam Parades. “He has been one of the most articulate defenders among a small but effective group of advocates working the halls of the California Capitol.”
Craig DeLuz, a Republican running for California’s 6th Congressional District, says he is proud of the A+ rating from GOA and humbled to have his work protecting gun owners’ rights.
“The failed liberal policies of California protect criminals and punish those trying to protect their families,” he says. “I believe we need to enforce the laws already on the books, not create barriers that only keep people from exercising their fundamental rights as granted under the Constitution and the Second Amendment,” he says.
DeLuz has more than 30 years of experience in politics and has served as a legislative staffer in the California State Assembly with an extensive history as a media professional, policy analyst, and grassroots activist in the Greater Sacramento region.
For more information about Craig DeLuz, contact Brent Lowder at